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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <p pageid="1691" ns="0" title="Bigalloc" />
      <p pageid="1354" ns="0" title="Bugs" />
      <p pageid="1395" ns="0" title="Clarifying Direct IO&#039;s Semantics" />
      <p pageid="1324" ns="0" title="Considerations when creating ext3 filesystems" />
      <p pageid="1343" ns="0" title="DelayedAllocation" />
      <p pageid="1401" ns="0" title="Design For 1st Class Quota in Ext4" />
      <p pageid="1402" ns="0" title="Design for BigAlloc" />
      <p pageid="1412" ns="0" title="Design for Large Allocation Blocks" />
      <p pageid="1342" ns="0" title="E2fsprogs features and patches" />
      <p pageid="1393" ns="0" title="Ext3 Data=Ordered vs Data=Writeback mode" />
    <allpages apfrom="Ext3 data mode tradeoffs" />